
Chart No


Price Code



Bi 9 Cell Membrane & Cell Wall C
Bi 12 Golgi Complex C Bi C
Bi 10 Endoplasmic Reticulum C
Bi 11 Mitochondrion C
Bi 13 Chloroplast C
Bi 14 Nucleus C
Bi 15 Chromosomes C
Bi 31 Structure of Cilium & Flagellum C
Bi 80 Ribosomes & Lysosomes C


Bi 4 Monohybrid Cross-Complete Dominance C
Bi 5 Monohybrid Cross-Incomplete Dominance C
Bi 6 Forms of comb in Fowl C
Bi 7 Dihybrid Ratio C
Bi 8 Linkage C
Bi 51 Mutations C
Bi 52 Chromosomal Aberrations C
Bi 53 Colour Blindness & Hemophilia C
Bi 60 Genetic Code C
Bi 99 Mendelism C
Bi 126 Cytoplasmic Inheritance C
Bi 127 Sex Linked Inheritance C
Bi 131 Crossing Over C
Bi 141 Plasma membrane C
Bi 147 Epistatic interaction C


Bi 32 Tuberculosis C
Bi 33 Typhoid C
Bi 34 Diphtheria C
Bi 35 Diarrhoea C
Bi 36 Filariasis C
Bi 37 Leprosy C
Bi 38 Pathogenic Protozoa C
Bi 39 E. Coli C
Bi 54 AIDS C
Bi 305 Measels C
Bi 309 Cholera C


Bi 1 Photosynthesis-Light Reactions C
Bi 2 Integration of Carbohydrate, Fatty Acids
& Amino Acids Anabolism-Dark Reaction
Bi 3 Integration of Carbohydrate, Fatty
Acids & Amino Acids Catabolism
Bi 55 Osmosis, Plasmolysis & Diffusion C
Bi 56 Gluconeogenesis & HMP Pathway C
Bi 81 Active & Passive Transport C
Bi 82 Fatty Acid Oxidation & Regulation C
Bi 115 PH Colour Chart C


Bi 18 DNA 8 loops (7’ x 3’) 2C
Bi 19 DNA Structure (Compounds) C
Bi 20 Microscope C
Bi 21 Gametogenesis C
Bi 22 Water Cycle C
Bi 23 Pond Ecosystem C
Bi 24 Carbon Cycle C
Bi 25 Nitrogen Cycle C
Bi 26 RNA: Types, Transcription &Translation C
Bi 27 RNA Structure C
Bi 28 Protein Synthesis C
Bi 29 Urea Cycle C
Bi 30 Vitamins : Sources & Defi ciency C
Bi 40 Plant Kingdom C
Bi 41 Animal Kingdom C
Bi 42 Nutrients C
Bi 43 Food Pyramids C
Bi 44 Potato Mosaic C
Bi 45 Bacterial Blight of Potato C
Bi 46 Environmental Pollution C
Bi 47 Vegetables & Fruits C
Bi 48 Oxygen Cycle C
Bi 49 Food Chain C
Bi 50 Food Web C
Bi 57 Municipal Water Treatment C
Bi 58 Enzymes : Classifi cation & Kinetics C
Bi 59 Phosphorous Cycle C
Bi 61 Geological Time Scale C
Bi 62 Plastid Structure C
Bi 63 Xerosere C
Bi 64 Hydrosere C
Bi 65 Biogas Plant C
Bi 66 Chromatography C
Bi 67 Electrophoresis C
Bi 68 Atmosphere-Layers C
Bi 83 Protein Structure C
Bi 84 Nucleotides & Biosynthesis C
Bi 85 Terrestrial & Marine Ecosystems C
Bi 86 Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells C
Bi 106 Xerophthalmia and Rickets C
Bi 109 Pellagra and Goitre C
Bi 110 Aribofl avinosis and Scurvy C
Bi 111 Marasmus and Kwashiorkor C
Bi 116 DNA Finger Printing – I (10+2) C
Bi 117 DNA Finger Print - II C
Bi 118 Balanced Diet C
Bi 119 Seasons C
Bi 121 Diabetes : Glucose Estimation C
Bi 122 Heart attack : Cholesterol Estimation C
Bi 123 Jaundice : Bilirubin Estimation C
Bi 124 Sulphur Cycle C
Bi 125 Energy Flow C
Bi 128 Lac Operon C
Bi 129 Recombinant DNA & Cloning C
Bi 130 Monoclonal Antibodies & Blotting C
Bi 132 Protoplast Fusion C
Bi 133 Cloning & Vectors C
Bi 134 Tryptophan Operon C
Bi 135 Arabinose Operon C
Bi 136 Total count of blood C
Bi 137 Immunoglobulin structure C
Bi 138 Antigen-antibody interaction – I C
Bi 139 Antigen-antibody interaction – II C
Bi 140 Polymerase chain reaction C
Bi 141 Plasma membrane C
Bi 142 Manufacture of alcohol from molasses C
Bi 143 Transgenic animals – I C
Bi 144 Transgenic animals – II C
Bi 145 Hypersensitivity type – I C
Bi 303 Hypersensitivity type – II C
Bi 146 Blotting techniques for nucleic acids C
Bi 147 Epistatic Interaction C
Bi 148 Micropropagation of plant C
Bi 149 Life cycle:Human Immunodefi ciency virus C
Bi 150 First Aid – I C
Bi 151 First Aid – II C
Bi 152 First Aid – III C
Bi 301 Cardiopulmononary resuscitation (CPR-I)- Adult C
Bi 305 Cardiopulmononary resuscitation (CPR-II)- Infant C
Bi 306 Cardiopulmononary resuscitation (CPR-III)- Childrens C
Bi 153 Blotting Technique For Proteins C
Bi 154 Laboratory Safety C
Bi 155 Forms of D.N.A C
Bi 156 Transposons C
Bi 157 Gene Transfer I-Conjugation C
Bi 158 Gene Transfer II-Tansduction C
Bi 159 Gene Transfer III-Transformation C
Bi 160 Flowers C
Bi 161 Transport C
Bi 162 DNA Replication types C
Bi 163 DNA Viral Replication C
Bi 164 Major Histocompatibility Class-I Molecule C
Bi 165 Major Histocompatibility Class-II Molecule C
Bi 166 Hereditary Alterations C
Bi 167 Electron Microscope C
Bi 168 Complement System C
Bi 169 Kerb’s Cycle C
Bi 230 Pedigree Analysis : widows peak C
Bi 231 Pedigree Analysis : Rolling Tongue C
Bi 302 Transgenic Plants C
Bi 74 Mushroom : Morphology & Types C
Bi 300 Mushroom Culture C
Bi 304 Cell cycle C
Bi 74 Types Of Immunity C
Bi 77 Antigens C
Bi 78 Immunological Disorders (Aids) C
Bi 79 Role Of Hormone In Human Being C
Bi 307 Cardiac Cycle C
Bi 9 DNA Structure & Replication C
Bi 10 Alpha helical Structure of a polypeptide C
Bi 11 Tertiary & Quarternary Structure of Protein C
Bi 40 Amino Acids : Structure & Classifi cation C


Bi 105 Life cycle of Lesser Grain Borer & Angoumois Grain Moth C
Bi 107 Rice Moth and Pulse Beetle C
Bi 108 Insects found in Food grains C



B 79 Myxophyceae C
B 80 Chlamydomonas C
B 81 Volvox C
B 82 Ulothrix C
B 83 Oedogonium C
B 84 Cladophora C
B 86 Spirogyra C
B 88 Chara C
B 89 Vaucheria C
B 90 Ectocarpus C
B 92 Sargassum  
B 93 Batrachospermum
B 94 Polysiphonia C
B 167 Zygnema C
B 168 Fucus C
B 169 Diatoms : Structure C
B 170 Diatoms : Reproduction C
B 215 Nostoc C
B 235 Oscillatoria C
B 236 Alternaria C


B 49 Saprolegnia C
B 50 Rhizopus C
B 51 Albugo C
B 52 Phytophthora C
B 53 Saccharomyces C
B 54 Aspergillus C
B 55 Penicillium C
B 57 Erysiphe C
B 58 Puccinia C
B 59 Lycoperdon C
B 60 Agaricus C
B 148 Ustilago C
B 149 Polyporus C
B 150 Cercospora C
B 151 Colletotrichum C
B 152 Bacteria C
B 153 Viruses C
B 154 Lichens C
B 171 Peziza C
B 189 Helminthosporium C
B 213 Plant Diseases C
B 216 Sorghum Diseases C
B 226 Citrus Canker & Rice Blast C
B 231 Mucor C
B 232 Mucor: Life cycle C
B 251 Life Cycle of Neurospora 2C
B 269 Rhizopus: Structure of Mycelium C
B 270 Rhizopus a Sexual and Sexual Reproduction C
B 271 Life Cycle of Rhizopus C
B 278 Moss Life Cycle C


B 6 Riccia : Structure C
B 7 Riccia : Reproduction C
B 39 Marchantia : Structure C
B 40 Marchantia : Asexual Reproduction C
B 41 Marchantia : Sexual Reproduction C
B 42 Anthoceros : Structure and Reproduction C
B 43 Anthoceros : Sporophyte C
B 44 Funaria : Structure and Sex organs C
B 45 Funaria : Sporophyte C
B 47 Pellia C
B 125 Sporophytic Evolution in Bryophytes C
B 126 Polytrichum C
B 155 Porella C
B 172 Sphagnum : Structure C
B 173 Sphagnum : Reproduction C


B 8 Lycopodium : Structure C
B 9 Lycopodium : Reproduction C
B 10 Equisetum : Structure C
B 11 Equisetum : Reproduction C
B 12 Pteris : Structure C
B 13 Pteris : Reproduction C
B 15 Marsilea : Structure C
B 16 Marsilea : Reproduction C
B 17 Selaginella : Structure C
B 18 Selaginella : Reproduction C
B 114 Stelar Evolution C
B 161 Psilotum C
B 177 Adiantum : Structure C
B 178 Adiantum : Reproduction C
B 198 Nephrolepis C
B 233 Ephedra: Structure C
B 234 Ephedra Reproduction C
B 241 Ephedra Anatomy C
B 242 Ephedra Life Cycle C
B 258 Homologous organs: Plants C
B 259 Analogous organs: Plants C
B 274 Fern: Life Cycle C
B 206 Azolla C


B 24 Cycas : Leafl et and Rachis C
B 25 Cycas : Stem and Root C
B 26 Cycas : Reproduction C
B 27 Pinus : Stem & Needle C
B 28 Pinus : Reproduction C
B 29 Gnetum : Structure C
B 30 Gnetum : Reproduction C


Bi 40 Plant Kingdom C
B 14 Carnivorous Plants C
Bi 46 Types of Placentation C
B 105 Stem Modifi cations : Aerial C
B 106 Stem Modifi cations : Subaerial C
B 107 Stem Modifi cations : Underground C
B 108 Types of Ovules C
B 112 Androecium : Structure & Number C
B 113 Androecium : Fixation, Dehiscence and Union C
B 117 Dehiscent fruits C
B 118 Indehiscent fruits C
B 127 Branching C
B 128 Germination : (Epigeal and Vivipary) C
B 129 Germination : (Hypogeal) C
B 130 Root Modifi cations : (Tap & Adventitious roots ) C
B 131 Root Modifi cations : (Aerial) - I C
B 132 Root Modifi cations : (Aerial) - II C
B 133 Infl orescence: (Mixed, Special and Racemose) C
B 134 Infl orescence: (Racemose ) C
B 135 Infl orescence: (Cymose) C
B 158 Aestivation C
B 162 Typical Flowering Plant-Floral Parts C
B 174 Leaf Modifi cations C
B 179 Leaf : Shapes, Margins and Apices C
Bi 180 Phyllotaxy and Venation C
B 181 Types of Leaves and kinds of Stipules C
B 182 Calyx and Corolla: Forms C
B 183 Vegetative propagation C
B 184 lnsertion of Floral leaves on Thalamus C
B 185 Pollination C
Bi 186 Dispersal of Fruits and Seeds C
B 190 Medicinal Plants ln C
B 191 Medicinal Plants ll C
B 214 Medicinal Plants lll C
B 218 Medicinal Plants IV C
B 193 Bentham & Hooker Classifi cation C
B 217 Asexual Reproduction C
B 221 Flower & It’s Parts C
B 222 Engler & Prantl Classifi cation C
B 223 Hutchinson Classifi cation C
B 224 Comparative Classifi cation of Bentham &
Hooker, Engler & Prantl and Hutchinson
B 243 Plants of Economic Importance C
Bi 160 Flowers C
B 263 False Fruits C
B 264 Fleshy fruits C
B 265 Dry Indehicent fruits C
B 266 Dry dehiscent fruits C
B 267 Schizocarpic fruits C
B 268 Compound fruits C
B 277 Emasculation Tagging & Bagging C
B 207 Mustard Plant C


B 119 Microsporangium & Male gametophyte C
B 120 Megasporangium & Female gametophyte C
B 121 Fertilization and Embryogeny C
B 122 Life cycle of Angiosperm C
B 123 Dicot Embryo : Development C
B 124 Monocot Embryo : Development C
B 132 Protoplast Fusion C
B 133 Cloning & Vectors C
B 196 Plant Tissue Culture C
B 229 Endosperm: Types C
B 244 Pollination & Fertilization C
B 252 Life Cycle of Corn (Zea mays) C
B 210 L.S. Of Ovule & Devt. of female gemetophyte C
B 260 Pollination Contrivanes for Cross Pollination C
B 261 Pollination Contrivanes for Self Pollination C
B 262 Hybridization Process C


B 31 Parenchyma C
B 32 Collenchyma C
B 33 Sclerenchyma C
B 34 Xylem : Position and Structure C
B 35 Xylem : Vessel and Perforation C
B 36 Phloem C


B 2 Stem : Dicot (Helianthus annuus) C
B 3 Stem : Monocot (Zea mays) C
B 4 Root : Dicot (Helianthus annuus) C
B 5 Root : Monocot (Zea mays) C
B 37 Leaf : Dicot (Helianthus annuus) C
B 38 Leaf : Monocot (Zea mays) C
B 109 Stomata C
B 136 Anamalous Secondary Growth
(Achyranthes & Bougainvillaea Stem)
B 137 Anamalous Secondary Growth
(Bignonia & Stychnos Stem)
B 138 Anamalous Secondary Growth
(Boerhaavia & Nyctanthes Stem)
B 139 Anamalous Secondary Growth
(Leptadenica & Aristolochia Stem)
B 140 Anamalous Secondary Growth
(Casuarina & Mirabilis Stem)
B 141 Anamalous Secondary Growth
(Serjania & Dracaena Stem)
B 187 Normal Secondary Growth : Dicot Stem C
B 197 Meristems C
B 200 Cucurbita Stem C
B 201 Amaranthus Stem C
B 211 Nyctanthes Stem C
B 212 Casuarina Stem C
B 219 Vascular Bundles: Types C
B 225 Ficus : Root C
B 230 Secondary growth in Dicotyledonous root C
B 238 Anatomy of Root-Dicot (Phaseolus radiatus C
B 245 Isoetes C
B 246 Salvadora : Anatomy of Stem C
B 247 Wheat (Triticum): Stem C
B 248 Wheat (Triticun): Root C
B 249 Trichomes C
B 253 Dicotyledonous Seed C
B 254 Monocotyledonous Seed (Maize) C
B 204 Canna : Stem C
B 205 Canna : Root C
B 208 Tenaspora: Root C


Bi 1 Photosynthesis-Light Reactions C
B 220 Photosynthesis : Experiments C
Bi 2 Integration of Carbohydrate, Fatty Acid & Amino
Acid Anabolism-Dark Reactions
Bi 3 Integration of Carbohydrate, Fatty
Acid and Amino Acid Catabolism
Bi 55 Osmosis, Plasmolysis & Diffusion C
Bi 56 Gluconeogenesis & HMP Pathway C
Bi 81 Active & Passive Transport C
Bi 82 Fatty Acid Oxidation & Regulation C
B 175 Photo Respiration C
B 176 C4 & CAM Cycles C
B 194 Plant Respiration C
B 195 Plant Transpiration C
B 199 Plant Hormones C
B 227 Ascent Of Sap C
B 272 Glycoloysis C
B 273 Electro transport System C


B 1 Ultra Structure of Plant Cell C
B 19 Mitosis in Plants C
B 20 Structure of Chromosome during Mitosis C
B 21 Meiosis in Plants : First Division C
B 22 Meiosis in Plants : Second Division C
B 23 Structure of Chromosome during Meiosis C


B 62 Poaceae : (Oryza sativa, Zea mays) C
B 63 Acanthaceae (Ruellia tuberosa, Ecboliumlinnaenum) C
B 64 Apiaceae : (Pimpinella anisum) C
B 65 Bignonaceae (Tecoma stans) C
B 66 Meliaceae (Melia azedarach) C
B 67 Annonaceae: (Annona squamosa & Artabotrys odoratissimus) C
B 68 Cruciferae : (Brassica nigra) C
B 69 Malvaceae : (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) C
B 70 Rutaceae : (Citrus aurantifolia) C
B 71 Fabaceae : (Papilionaceae) (Crotalaria luburnifolia) C
B 72 Caesalpiniaceae : (Caesalpinia pulcherima) C
B 73 Mimosaceae : (Acacia nolotica) C
B 74 Asteraceae : (Tridax procumbens) C
B 75 Apocynaceae : (Catharanthus roseus) C
B 76 Convolvulaceae : (Ipomoea palmata) C
B 77 Solanaceae : (Datura innoxia) C
B 78 Lamiaceae : (Salvia offi cinalis) C
B 95 Euphorbiaceae : (Ricinus communis) C
B 96 Asclepiadaceae : (Calotropis
gigantia & Cryptostegia grandifl ora)
B 97 Capparidaceae (Gynandropsis pentaphylla) C
B 98 Cucurbitaceae : (Luffa cylindrica) C
B 103 Verbenaceae C
B 104 Amaranthaceae : (Achyranthes aspera,
Gompherena globusa, Amaranthus viridis
B 111 Liliaceae : (Asparagus racemosus) C
B 116 Rubiaceae : (lxora) C
B 163 Sapotaceae : (Achras Sapota) C
B 164 Anacardiaceae (Mangifera indica) C
B 165 Myrtaceae : (Psidium guajava,Eucalyptus - lanceolatus) C
B 166 Arecaceae (Cocos nucifera) C
B 202 Orchidaceae (Spathoglottis) C
B 203 Musaceae (Musa paradisiaca) C
B 237 Liliaceae ( Alium cepa) C
B 239 Fabaceae (Clitoria ternata) C
B 240 Umbellifereae: Coriandrum sativum C
B 250 Compositae: Helianthus annuus C
B 255 Renuculaceae (Ranunculus Sceleratus) C
B 257 Labiatae ( Ocimum sanctum) C
B 275 Cucurbitaceae ( Momordica Charantia) C
B 276 Euphorbiaceae ( Phyllonthus futures ) C
B 279 Fabaceae (Tephrosia purpurea) C
B 280 Chenopodiaceae (Chenopodium album) C


B 159 Rhynia C
B 160 Lyginopteridaceae C


Bi 22 Water Cycle C
Bi 23 Pond Ecosystem C
Bi 24 Carbon Cycle C
Bi 25 Nitrogen Cycle C
Bi 46 Environmental Pollution C
Bi 63 Xerosere C
Bi 64 Hydrosere C
Bi 85 Terrestrial & Marine Ecosystems C
B 143 Hydrophytes C
B 144 Hydrophytes : Root & Stem C
B 145 Hydrophytes : Petiole & Leaf C
B 146 Xerophytes C
B 147 Xerophytes : Leaf & Stem C
B 256 Phyllode and Phylloclade C



Z 48 Amoeba C
Z 49 Polystomella C
Z 50 Euglena C
Z 51 Trypanosoma C
Z 52 Monocystis C
Z 53 Plasmodium : Life Cycle C
Z 54 Paramoecium : Structure C
Z 55 Paramoecium : Reproduction C
Z 56 Vorticella C
Z 138 Entamoeba histolytica C
Z 132 Vorticella : Conjugation C
Z 207 Leishmania donovani C
Z 38 Pathogenic protozoa C


Z 57 Sycon : Structure C
Z 58 Sycon : Development C
Z 59 Canal System in Sponges C


Z 60 Hydra C
Z 61 Obelia C
Z 62 Aurelia C
Z 221 Organization of sponge C
Z 238 Hydra : T.s. Of Testis & Ovary C
Z 247 Metridium (Sea Anemone) C


Z 64 Fasciola hepatica : Structure C
Z 65 Fasciola hepatica : Reproduction C
Z 66 Taenia solium C
Z 102 Echinococcus C
Z 103 Ascaris lumbricoides C
Z 109 Ancylostoma C
Z 195 Life cycle of Ancylostoma duodenale C
Z 200 Trichinella spiralis C
Z 215 Tapeworm C
Z 216 Tapeworm: Mature Proglottid C
Z 232 Life Cycle of Wuchereriabancrofti C
Z 239 Ascaris : Reproductive System C


Z 2 Earthworm : Transverse Section C
Z 41 Earthworm : External Features C
Z 42 Earthworm : Anatomy C
Z 43 Earthworm : Circulatory System C
Z 44 Earthworm : Excretory System C
Z 45 Earthworm : Reproductive System C
Z 46 Earthworm : Nervous System C
Z 178 Earthworm : Digestive System C
Z 3 Leech: T.S. of Leech C
Z 47 Leech : Excretory & Reproductive Organs C
Z 104 Leech : External Features C
Z 162 Leech : Digestive System C
Z 193 Lac Insect : Life cycle C
Z 194 Nereis: (Sand worm) C
Z 198 Nereis: Reproduction C
Z 201 Nereis: Digestive system C
Z 11 Earthworm : Embryo Development C
Z 241 Leech : Sense Organs C
Z 242 Leech: Stages Of Cocoon Formation C
Z 245 Millipede (Julus) C
Z 246 Centipebe ( Scolopendra) C
Z 248 Planaria External Features & Anatomy C
Z 249 Planaria : Digestive & Excretory System C
Z 250 Planaria : Nervous & reproductive System C


Z 92 Cockroach : External Features C
Z 93 Cockroach : Head & Mouth Parts C
Z 94 Cockroach : Digestive System C
Z 95 Cockroach : Respiratory System C
Z 96 Cockroach : Circulatory &Nervous Systems C
Z 97 Cockroach : Reproductive System C
Z 163 Cockroach : Excretory System C
Z 162 Cockroach : Life Cycle C
Z 98 Mouth parts of Mosquito, Housefl y and Butterfl y C
Z 105 Prawn : Appendages C
Z 139 Prawn : Digestive System C
Z 145 Prawn : Respiratory & Circulatory Systems C
Z 206 Prawn: Nervous system C
Z 208 Prawn: Excretory system & External Features C
Z 213 Prawn: Reproductive System C
Z 156 Life History of House Fly C
Z 157 Life History of Butter Fly C
Z 158 Life History of Mosquito C
Z 159 Life History of Silk Moth C
Z 176 Harmful & Useful Insects C
Z 180 Scorpion : Book Lungs C
Z 181 Honey Bee : Life Cycle C
Z 193 Lac Insect: Life Cycle C
Z 187 Peripatus C
Z 209 Scorpion: External features C
Z 210 Scorpion: Nervous system & Digestive System C
Z 212 Scorpion: Circulatory&Excretory System C
Z 214 Scorpion: Reproductive System C
Z 211 Grass Hopper:External Features & its Mouth Parts C
Z 256 Grass Hopper: Digestive System & Nervous system C
Z 257 Grass Hopper: Circulatory & Reproductive System C
Z 233 Chamaeleon C
Z 244 Spider (Aranea) C
Z 260 Bat : External Features C
Z 263 Crustacean Larvae C


Z 112 Unio : Structure C
Z 113 Unio : Respiratory System C
Z 114 Pila : Shell & Mantle cavity C
Z 147 Nervous System : Prawn, Pila & Unio B
Z 179 Unio : Digestive & Circulatory System C
Z 196 Torsion in Gastropoda C
Z 219 Pila : Digestive System C
Z 220 Pila : Sense Organs C
Z 222 Pila : Excretory & ReproductiveSystem C
Z 261 Octopus : Sturucture & Anatomy C
Z 262 Octopus : Brain & Nervous System C


Z 132 Asterias : External Features C
Z 136 Asterias : Water Vascular System C
Z 137 Asterias : Development C


Z 106 Amphioxus : External Features C
Z 107 Amphioxus : Transverse Sections C
Z 108 Amphioxus : Digestive System C
Z 119 Amphioxus : Circulatory & Excretory Systems C
Z 120 Amphioxus : Development - Early C
Z 121 Amphioxus : Development - Later C
Z 146 Herdmania : External Characters C
Z 140 Herdmania : Blood Vascular System C
Z 130 Herdmania : Development and
Retrogressive Metamorphosis
Z 190 Balanoglossus C


Z 67 Scoliodon : Skull C
Z 69 Scoliodon : Digestive System C
Z 70 Scoliodon : Afferent & Efferent Vessels C
Z 71 Scoliodon : Venous System C
Z 72 Scoliodon : Urinogenital System C
Z 73 Scoliodon : Brain C
Z 74 Scoliodon : Cranial Nerves C
Z 124 Scoliodon : Heart C
Z 225 Cartilaginous Fishes C
Z 226 Lung Fishes (Depnoi) & Latimeriafi shes C
Z 227 Teleost Fishes C
Z 258 Labeo rohita : Skull system C
Z 259 Labeo rohita : External Features C


Z 228 Ratitaebirds C


Z 23 Frog : Epithelial and Muscular Tissue C
Z 24 Frog : Connective Tissue and Nerve Cells C
Z 25 Frog : Skin C
Z 26 Frog : Stomach and Intestine C
Z 27 Frog : Liver and Pancreas C
Z 28 Frog : Lung and Kidney C
Z 29 Frog : Testis and Ovary C
Z 30 Frog : Spinal Cord C


Z 4 Frog : Appendicular Skeleton C
Z 19 Frog : Skull C
Z 20 Frog : Vertebral Column C
Z 21 Frog : External Features C
Z 22 Frog : Anatomy C
Z 31 Frog : Digestive System C
Z 32 Frog : Respiratory System C
Z 33 Frog : Heart C
Z 34 Frog : Venous System C
Z 35 Frog : Arterial System C
Z 36 Frog : Urinogenital System C
Z 37 Frog : Brain C
Z 38 Frog : Cranial Nerves C
Z 39 Frog : Spinal and Sympathetic Nerves C
Z 40 Frog : Eye and Ear C
Z 99 Frog : Development-Early C
Z 100 Frog : Development & metamorphosis C


Z 75 Lizard : Venous System C
Z 76 Lizard : Arterial System C
Z 77 Pigeon : Venous System C
Z 78 Pigeon : Arterial System C
Z 79 Rat : Venous System C
Z 80 Rat : Arterial System C


Z 5 Rabbit : Appendicular Skeleton C
Z 17 Rabbit : Skull C
Z 18 Rabbit : Vertebrae C
Z 264 Articulated Skeleton of Rabbit C
Z 110 Varanus : Appendicular Skeleton C
Z 128 Varanus : Vertebrae C
Z 129 Fowl : Vertebrae C
Z 111 Fowl : Appendicular Skeleton C
Z 237 Rat : Skull System C


Z 81 Chick : Gastrulation C
Z 82 Chick : 20-30 hrs. Embryo C
Z 83 Chick : 48-56 hrs. Embryo C
Z 84 Chick : 72 hrs . Embryo C
Z 85 Chick : 96 hrs. Embryo C
Z 99 Frog : Development - Early C
Z 100 Frog : Development and Metamorphosis C
Z 130 Herdmania : Development and
Retrogressive Metamorphosis
Z 120 Amphioxus : Development - Early C
Z 121 Amphioxus : Development - Later C
Z 170 Placenta Types : Histological Structure C
Z 171 Placenta Types : Distribution of Villi C
Z 177 Types of Eggs & Cleavages C


Z 1 Ultra Structure of a typical Animal Cell C
Z 12 Mitosis in Animals C
Z 13 Structure of chromosome during Mitosis C
Z 14 Meiosis in Animals ( 1st Division) C
Z 15 Meiosis in Animals ( 2nd Division) C
Z 16 Structure of Chromosome during Meiosis C


Z 86 Rabbit : Connective tissue C
Z 87 Rabbit : Stomach and Intestine C
Z 88 Rabbit : Liver and Pancreas C
Z 89 Rabbit : Lung, Spleen and Spinal Cord C
Z 90 Rabbit : Kidney C
Z 91 Rabbit :Testis and Ovary C


Z 6 Vertebrates : Hind Limb Bones C
Z 7 Vertebrates : Pelvic Girdles C
Z 8 Vertebrates : Fore Limb Bones C
Z 9 Vertebrates : Pectoral Girdles C
Z 122 Vertebrates : Evolution of Aortic Arches C
Z 123 Vertebrates : Heart C
Z 125 Vertebrates : Brain C
Z 141 Vertebrates : Male Urinogenital System C
Z 142 Vertebrates : Female Urinogenital System C
Z 160 Snakes: Poisonous C
Z 172 Snakes: Non Poisonous C
Z 235 Vertebrate : Arterial System C
Z 236 Vertebrate:SkullSystem C
Z 240 Comparative Account Of Jaw Suspension C


Z 118 Hair : Structure & Development C
Z 144 Lizard & Pigeon : Urinogenital System C
Z 148 Tooth : Structure & Development C
Z 152 Rat : Digestive System C
Z 153 Rat : Urinogenital System C
Z 164 Fish : External Features C
Z 165 Bird : External Features C
Z 174 Larvae : Invertebrata C
Z 182 Birds & Their Nests C
Z 183 Cow : Digestive System C
Z 189 Animals C
Z 223 Homologous organs: Animals C
Z 224 Analogous organs: Animals C
Z 266 Rat: External Features C


Z 77 Pigeon : Venous System C
Z 78 Pigeon : Arterial System C
Z 154 Pigeon : Digestive System C
Z 155 Pigeon : Respiratory System C
Z 175 Pigeon : Flight Muscles C
Z 115 Pigeon : Heart C
Z 136 Pigeon : Brain C
Z 117 Feather : Structure,Types& Develop. C
Z 191 Pigeon : External Features C
Z 144 Lizard & Pigeon : Urinogenital System C


Z 116 Rabbit : Heart C
Z 133 Rabbit : Brain C
Z 136 Rabbit : Anatomy C
Z 143 Rabbit : Urinogenital System C
Z 149 Rabbit : Digestive System C
Z 150 Rabbit : Arterial System C
Z 151 Rabbit : Venous System C
Z 184 Rabbit : Nervous System C
Z 185 Rabbit : Cranial & Spinal Nerves C
Z 186 Rabbit : Respiratory System C
Z 187 Rabbit & Hare : External Features C
Z 188 Rabbit : Embryo Development C
Z 229 Rabbit : Types of Joints C
Z 230 Rabbit : Male Reproductive System C
Z 231 Rabbit : Female Reproductive System C


Z 63 Poultry Disease C


Z 10 Evolution of Horse C
Z 166 Archaeopteryx C
Z 167 Morphological Evidences C
Z 168 Lamarckism C
Z 169 Evolution of Man C
Z 173 Embryological Evidences C
Z 199 Zoogeographical distribution of Animals
This is a double sized chart (1.25m x 2m)
Bi 41 Animal Kingdom C


Z 202 Calotes : External Features & Digestive system C
Z 203 Calotes: Heart & arterial system B
Z 204 Calotes: Venous system B
Z 205 Calotes: Urinogenital system C
Z 217 Calotes : Skull B
Z 218 Calotes : Digestive & Respiratory System C
Z 265 Salamander C


Z 255 Fish Culture & rearing Methods C
Z 68 Aquacualture Importence B